Saturday, August 1, 2009

Apple is so racist

"You haven't blogged in a while, what's up with that?" Well here ya go Kyle.

I am gonna write a romantic comedy.

Sally and Calvin have been best friends ever since homeschooling. Knowing they were both madly in love with each other, but related by blood, they set off on an adventure to find the perfect match for the other. During the quest to find the best matches they stumble upon a blind dating service. A literal blind dating service. As they work their way through the hopeful dates they start to realize they all have dogs, and have no idea where they are. So Sally and Calvin run outside and Calvin dies. Instantly. I don't know why. Not long after the funeral, Sally finds a nice man and they move in together. But soon the ghost of Calvin comes back from the grave and kills the new guy. After sally realizes what Calvin has done she decides to become a super hero and fight villainy with her "ghost powers". Then something happens and she dies too. The end.

How was that? Awesome? Splendorous? Super mega cool pants?
Why yes Kyle, this did take me three years to think of. No Jason, I wont write a sequel starring Ryan Renalds, but if I did it would look like this.

She falls in love with Ryan Renalds, then they all live happily ever after. Or do they?

I don't know if the media off includes pictures or just video, so here is both.

Forget about all those sex with girls, lets color!
-Von Pond

Also, I am the new master of MS paint!!!!

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