Sunday, November 15, 2009

9teen can suck it!

Thats right queers, Its my birthday. You know what that means? Super awesome fun time. I've turned nineteen, and in lay-mans terms, I'm getting too old to be this immature. Who am I kidding? I'm gonna be this immature untill there is no other option. I could whine and bitch and moan all I want about how nothing good ever happens on my birthday, or how getting older means I have one less year to find love, or that the last year was a waste. But no. I will not be the one who hates himself so others can feel sorry for him and give him the false impression that people actually care about him. If anything I'm happy for this birthday. It means that I've been spitting in the face of the grim reaper for the last 19 years. Ha ha, take that you giant reaping ass hole.

Trying not to stray too far from the normal, there is a down side to this blog. My grandmother passed away on Friday. She will be missed. In loving memory of Alice Ruth Domel Holderrieth, a wonder grandmother, and friend. 11/10/24 to 11/13/09

-You will be missed

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